How to Room-House

Want an easy group audio-chat? Like keeping your contacts private? Need someone to talk?

Use chat-rooms

Free. Secure. Fun.

  • "Self-managed" audience:

    • Rooms are free to enter

    • Who you see is who you've got

    • Enjoy talking to random people or invite your own company

    • Content might be 18+

  • No registration

  • You need only web-browser

  • Audio headset is recommended


  1. Select Room, make sure others will use the same Room (send Room name or weblink)​

  2. Input your (nick)name, enter and talk!

(click to enlarge)

Need a Super-Low Latency? Want to play music or sing as a group being on remote?

Use Room-House

Can feel being nearby.

  • Latency below 0.1 sec:

    • Room within 50 km distance

    • Wired connection

  • Artists' Room is in R&D pipeline:

    • Own Rhythm machine

    • Control of access/privacy


  1. Find Room based on server physically located as near as possible

  2. Use computer that is connected it to router by wire as Wi-Fi is slow!

  3. Enoy!

Want to get Artists' Room ASAP? Donate to help us release faster.

I want to help

All Rooms are busy? Want to have your own Room?

Setup own Room

Be a host. Earn SkyPirl.

  • Get Room-House node running​

  • Register your Room to get weblink

  • Promote your Room and get SkyPirl:

    • For holding your Room open

    • For traffic through your Room

  • Enjoy being a host


  1. Study this manual

  2. Setup your Room

  3. Enjoy visitors

  4. Get paid by SkyPirl coins SkyPirl Pirl Rumhaus