xTer Room-House

Free Audio Chats Connecting people on a safe media network

Meet the New Hero

New way to talk over internet

  • FREE Rooms for audio-chats

  • Works in web-browser

  • No downloading/installing required

  • Based on decentralized network

  • Green since using idle computer capacity

Easy to use

Safe & Secure

Be 100% sure

You CAN control your privacy

  • Protected by xTER SafeContainer technology

  • No registration or verification

  • No personal data collected

  • No spam or incoming connections

  • No advertisings

Simple and Fast

Can it be easier?

  • Slick and simple interface

  • No setting required

  • Latency within 0.1 sec when using nearby "house" (conditional)


Not another global giant

But a friendly community

  • Built on decentralized network

  • No any centralization of service traffic

  • Only regular (unspecialized) internet channels

  • Resistant to faults of global providers

Free and Paying

Get xTER rewards

OUR World is a FAIR place

  • Free service for general public use

  • Earn SkyPirl by lending computer capacity to xTER Room-House to set another "house"

  • Earn even more by promoting your "Room", as payouts depend on traffic through it

Room-House.com SkyPirl Pirl Rumhaus