In what year was the internet born? And the birth of the project SkyPirl

Many questions arise when the internet was born, how was it formed and developed? So let's find out the story of how the internet was born through the article below.

What is the Internet?

Before delving into the internet, what year was it born and the story that formed the internet. Let's clarify the definition of internet.

According to wikipedia:

“The Internet is defined as a global information system, serving the public access to interconnected computer networks. This communication system transmits data in a packet-switched fashion using a standardized internet protocol called IP.

The global information system includes thousands and millions of smaller computer networks of businesses, research institutes, universities, individual users, and governments around the world.

Benefits of the internet for life

The formation and development of the Internet to the present time has helped humanity enter a new era. Although at first, the internet was developed for military and research purposes, but up to now, the internet has been used for more purposes and is of great importance to people:

Huge data storage and lookup service: The Internet is a place to store a huge amount of information, users can easily search and look up the data and information they want. Connecting people around the world: The Internet helps people shorten the way, make friends more easily anywhere in the world.

Serving entertainment needs: Currently, the internet is always the leading entertainment medium with many different forms such as games, social networks, listening to music, watching movies, etc.

Online learning: learning no longer needs face-to-face, people can also learn remotely via the internet. It helps to save travel costs and protect people in the current epidemic situation Online shopping: People will no longer need to go directly to the store but can still choose to buy things through the internet, especially in the current era of e-commerce.

Marketing tools in business: promoting the image of businesses through the internet saves costs and can reach many target customers around the world.

Making money tools: nowadays making money on the internet is very popular, businesses or small businesses can sell their products on websites.

What year was the internet born?

According to research, the Internet was born around 1969, its predecessor is the ARPANET network. Specifically, on October 29, 1969, University of California student Charley Kline sent the first successful message via ARPANET using SDS Sigma 7 computer to SDS 940.

The term "Internet" first appeared around 1974. But it was not until the mid-1980s that the US National Science Foundation (NSF) officially established a network to link with major computer centers around the world. together and name it NSFNET. On 1989, the European Atomic Research Center invented the "World Wide Web" (WWW). and this was the first premise for the appearance of the Internet.

The story of the creation of the Internet

After understanding clearly "what the internet is, the benefits of the internet, what year the internet was born", let's find out the story of how the internet was formed.

The emergence of the internet came from an internal computer network established by the United States Department of Defense. Originally created for military purposes with the aim of overcoming the problem of nuclear attack and speeding up the dissemination of military information and called the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) network. . ARPANET helps to connect the hardware and software of UNIX-based computers. This is to make it possible for people to communicate via telephone lines within a certain distance.

In 1974, the term "Internet" first appeared but has not yet been replaced by the buzzword ARPANET.

By 1983, the TCP/IP protocol had become important to the US military, and almost all computers used the ARPANET network because of its speed and convenience.

Recognizing the rapid growth of the ARPANET network, this has led to its wider introduction. Since 1984, the ARPANET network has been divided into two groups to serve more purposes:

+MILNET for military purposes

+ARPANET for research and development purposes

Seeing its necessity when using it, politicians immediately saw the development of this type of network. Since then, open door policies have been adopted, and research and commercial networks have mostly been connected to ARPANET.

In 1990, which is considered to be the most important milestone in the history of Internet development when the US organization NSF established a new type of network, NSFNET. This causes ARPANET to be erased and businesses that are using it no longer find it effective and switch to NSFNET. And after nearly 20 years of establishment, ARPANET officially stopped working.

By 1995, the Internet had become an ever-growing network.

To this day, the Internet has become an indispensable part, the largest interconnected network covering all fields of commerce, politics, military, research, education, culture, society, entertainment...

This development created an explosive period of digital services, contributing to bringing humanity into a new era: the era of e-commerce on the Internet.

Your internet is watching you every step of the way

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the local link to the worldwide network of computers known as the Internet. All web pages you request and all e-mail you send must go through your ISP's router first. It seems, therefore, that your ISP has the power to scan and save every piece of data that flows through its system.

The truth is it has power. Luckily for us, it has neither the money nor the desire to store every bit of information that runs through it.

ISPs in the United States do not regularly save their users' web browsing history and e-mail conversations. It would simply be too expensive to store all the data and the public would be vehemently opposed to privacy and civil liberties organizations would be vehemently opposed.

However, ISPs can (and do) track the online behaviors of suspects targeted by a Homeland Security program or law enforcement investigations into terrorism or child pornography.

In EU countries ISPs are now required by a European Commission law to keep their users' e-mail logs for up to two years. The e-mail logs do not contain the contents of the messages, only information about who sent the message to whom and when. Logs can be used in criminal investigations.

A hot topic in the United States involves ISPs partnering with advertising companies that store cookies on users' browsers to collect "behavioral" data designed to serve their visitors. different websites. Advertisers claim they don't link the collected data to individual IP addresses, but security teams are ready to take action.

Decentralized Internet (Blockchain) was born to solve Internet privacy problems

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet, which is the vision of a serverless intelligent Internet consisting of interconnected decentralized webs. Web 3.0 is where users have control over their data and identity.

Web 3.0 is built on top of blockchain technology. The special feature of Web 3.0 is that it is decentralized. Instead of users accessing the internet through services mediated by companies like Google, Apple or Facebook, individuals will control the Internet themselves.

Web 3.0 does not require a central authority to control who can access which services, nor does it need an intermediary to control the transactions that occur between the parties. Usually, these agencies and intermediaries are doing most of the data collection of users. So, technically, Web 3.0 protects user privacy better.

The Pirl blockchain project was born with the mission to change the future of the internet industry

PIRL was created in 2017 with the desire to be accessible to all and to be able to take advantage of Blockchain technologies and these assets without necessarily being gifted in IT.

PIRL therefore implements various functionalities for decentralized file storage, communication, entertainment and commerce protected by Escrow for the general public. Applications such as PirlChat, Pirltube,, Decentralized social network Pirl, Decentralized Cloud Computing, xTer TrueAD, xTer SmartFilter … are emerging. This is why a strong community is created around PIRL. Its motto; PIRL by the people, for the people! During these years PIRL, which only seeks to become a better tool, easy to use for these users. We changes the algorithm in November 2020 and stops the mining, for a more innovative system. nPoS (nominated proof-of-stake) is based on the same framework that makes Polkadot work: substrate.

Pirl does not stop there and intends to become an essential reference for the general public with these applications in the Blockchain. This is why we surround ourselves with majeur partners who want to take advantage of our technology to progress together towards a bright future. Rome is not built in a day, neither is Pirl. This is why the whole community advances towards the same goal with the determination to create a solid ecosystem and that all roads lead to PIRL.

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