How to use Polkadot Validator setup

The following guide will walk you through using Web3 Foundation's polkadot validator setup to offer a potential setup for your validator that aims to prevent some types of potential attacks at the TCP layer and layers below. This will work for Polkadot and Kusama out of the box, and, if you're using another Substrate-based chain, it should work with some tweaks.


It is up to you to add additional security hardening.

Also, the current version of polkadot validator setup doesn't allow for the creation and configuration of sentry nodes.

There are two ways that the setup can be configured:

  1. Platform & Application Layer which allows for configuring the credentials for infrastructure providers, then executes the Terraform process to automatically deploy the required machines (Platform Layer) and setup the Application Layer. This configuration uses Terraform for defining and managing your infrastructure.

  2. Application Layer which allows for setting up Debian-based machines, where you only need basic SSH access and configure those in an inventory. The Ansible scripts will setup the entire Application Layer. This configuration uses Ansible as an automation tool for setting up the VPN, Firewall, and the validator node. It supports a few different cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, and Packet.



The initial step is to install the software dependencies for running the validator setup scripts. We will need to acquire NodeJS, Yarn, Terraform, and Ansible. Usually, these are readily available using your operating system's package manager. Instructions may vary depending on which system you are on; the instructions below demonstrate the commands for a user of a Debian or Ubuntu-based system.


We recommend using nvm as a tool to manage different NodeJS versions across projects.

sudo apt-get install curlcurl -sL | sudo -E bash -sudo apt-get install nodejsnode -v  (Check your node version)


curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/yarnkey.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.listsudo apt updatesudo apt install yarn


sudo apt-get install unzipwget terraform_1.1.7_linux_amd64.zipsudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/terraform --version  (Check whether it is configured properly)


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansiblesudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install ansible -ysudo apt-get install python -y


Step One: Clone the repository

The first step is to clone the polkadot-validator-setup guide locally.

$ git clone

Now you can cd into the polkadot-validator-setup directory and start to change the configurations to match your custom deployment. However, before we start tweaking those, let's start by creating two new SSH keys that we (or rather, the Ansible playbooks) will use to access the machines.

Step Two: Generate the SSH keys

We will use SSH, a remote shell tool, to access our validator. You will first use the ssh-keygen command to generate a key for your validator.

$ ssh-keygen -m pem -f id_rsa_validator$ ssh-keygen -m pem -f id_rsa_public

Be sure to add these keys to your SSH agent. First make sure your SSH agent is evaluated, then add the keys to them.

$ eval $(ssh-agent)$ ssh-add id_rsa_validator$ ssh-add id_rsa_public

For this tutorial we will not set a passphrase for the SSH key, although usually that would be recommended.


After you have installed all the required software and made your ssh keys, you can start to configure your infrastructure deployment by following the instructions. Start by cloning the polkadot-validator-setup repository locally, and installing the package dependencies. Then customize the configuration how you want it.

First run yarn to install the NodeJS dependencies:

$ yarn

Now you can copy the configuration sample and start to customize it.

$ cp config/main.sample.json config/main.json# now you should customize config/main.json

Under validators and publicNodes, specify which cloud provider you want to use, the type of machine specification, the number of validators you are going to deploy, the machine location, and the user to use for SSH.

Getting the authorization keys

The validator setup supports Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Packet. For this tutorial we will be using Google Cloud.

Log in to the Google Cloud console

You will need to log in to the google cloud console in order to access your authorization keys.

In the IAM&Admin panel you will navigate to service accounts. Download JSON for service account key.

Make sure to also auth into your account like so:

$ gcloud auth login

And don't forget to enable the compute engine!

Configuration Options

The other options can be mostly self explanatory. Here's some tips on what they are and how you can use them:

In the additionalFlags option, configure any of the additional flags you want to run for your validator. If you want to run with a specific name, this is where you would enter it.

Under the polkadotBinary.url field you can provide the release that is hosted in the W3F repository or use an alternate one that you build and publish yourself.

By enabling the nodeExporter, Ansible will install and configure the node_exporter, which will expose hardware-level metrics of your node in a format compatible with Prometheus.

The field machineType: will configure the machine's hardware specifications, check here for the configuration options for GCP. The other hosting providers should have similar pages in their documentation.

Under provider the option are gcp (Google Cloud Provider), aws (AWS), azure (Microsoft Azure) and packet for Packet.

The field count is the number of instances you would like to create.

The location and zone fields are for the location of the machine, for GCP check here, other cloud providers will have similar documentation.

The telemetryUrl field will send your node's information to a specific telemetry server. You could send all your nodes' data (e.g. IP address) to the public endpoint, but it is highly recommended that that you set up your own telemetry server to protect your validator’s data from being exposed to the public. If you want to do that, see substrate telemetry source.


If you decided to send your node’s information to public telemetry, the name for your validator and public node that is displayed on the telemetry would look something like PROJECT_NAME-sv-public-0 / PROJECT_NAME-sv-validator-0.

Configure projectId to be the name of the project you want to use in GCP.

Configure sshUser to be the user that manages your machine.

For different cloud providers, you need to set the corresponding credentials as environment variables, for example, on GCP you only need to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. This variable is the path to the JSON file containing the credentials of the service account you wish to use; this service account needs to have write access to compute and network resources if you use GCP. For others, you can check that by referring to the README.


Besides that, you need two additional environment variables that will allow Ansible to connect to the created machines. These values of these variables will be the keys that you generated at the beginning of the guide.

  • SSH_ID_RSA_PUBLIC - Path to private SSH key you want to use for the public nodes

  • SSH_ID_RSA_VALIDATOR - Path to private SSH key you want to use for the validator


You will need to configure the Compute Engine API and enable billing on your GCP accounts to properly run these scripts.

After everything is configured properly, you can start to run the deployment with:

$ scripts/


Certain steps of the process may hang, however the scripts are idempotent so you simply need to re-run them and when the deployment and configuration is completed, you should see some output that looks like what's below. You are able to find the validator’s session keys by searching for "show rotateKeys output".

TASK [polkadot-validator-session-info : retrieve session info] *****************ok: []PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************              : ok=41   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=               : ok=49   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=14   rescued=0    ignored=              : ok=41   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0DoneDone in 131.85s.

Also you can use sshUser to access one of the created instances that shows above.

TASK [polkadot-validator : show rotateKeys output] *****************************ok: [] => {    "rotate_keys": {        "changed": false,        "connection": "close",        "content_length": "295",        "content_type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",        "cookies": {},        "cookies_string": "",        "date": "Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:13:42 GMT",        "elapsed": 0,        "failed": false,        "json": {            "id": 1,            "jsonrpc": "2.0",            "result": "0xf126b68841f51988b37780fa5b224b2aa86888a8d3962a63595dbc4d85baac2dee7c9900c8ddfad1991a8884e58273f06d5c1dbfc3dc6000c037185ccead9d692a3b3396cdd7e2def520682d65ad7e8ca234fb17630b428752e6150462998b4362a2b7e201657c8084ae8215bd142458ccd69506d08b18925dc897fb95f54249"        },        "msg": "OK (295 bytes)",        "redirected": false,        "status": 200,        "url": "http://localhost:9933"    }}

The result "0xf126b68841f5…..95f54249" is your session key. Set this to your controller account in Polkadot-JS Apps.

After accessing one of the machines through SSH, you can keep track of the node’s status by running journalctl --follow -u polkadot, which will show the latest synced block information.

Every time you change something in main.json, you can simply run ./scripts/ to update it.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a secure validator. Free feel to open an issue if you have any suggestions.