Substrate Builders Program

The Substrate Builders Program is an initiative by Parity Technologies to take your Substrate project to the next level.

Projects building Substrate-based blockchains, applications, or ecosystem components can receive support for technical challenges, strategy, and ecosystem building from Parity’s extensive experience and resources.


Over 150 projects are using Substrate to create the next generation of blockchain infrastructure and application-specific chains.


There are three tracks builders can take for the program.

Chains track

This track supports builders who are building application-specific chains, which include parachains, parathreads and independent chains too.

Infrastructure track

This track supports builders who are building ecosystem-based infrastructure, which may in the form of tooling, UI, middleware, bridges, and more.

Application track

This track supports builders who are building on top of Substrate-based chains.

Check out the official Substrate Builders Program site for more information and steps on how to apply.