xTer Room-House Plus

Virtual Space New opportunity for any teams being online


New friendly way to be online

  • Get in and talk, as you'd do in person

  • Reception for visitors

  • Countless cabinets and meeting rooms

  • Single-use or permanent rooms

  • Up to 5-7 participants per room


One tool for many uses

Here's a knife. Be a Surgeon or a Chief or whoever you wish.

  • Show-rooms, Sales or Customer Service offices

  • Social services, Help & Hot lines

  • Internal communications & online meetings

  • Public & Representative offices

  • Work-space for providers of online services

  • Lot's of other applications

Easy for visitors

Safe & Secure

Be 100% sure

You CAN control your privacy

  • Protected by xTER SafeContainer technology

  • No registration or verification for users/visitors

  • No personal data collected

  • No spam or incoming connections

  • No advertisings

  • Your safety is protected by SSL certificate and your current antivirus solution


Get in and talk

Can it be safer and easier?

  • You control your own privacy

  • Switch your camera on/off as needed

  • Simple interface with common controls

  • No setting required



Free from global giants' rulings

  • Works on your computer

  • No any centralization of service traffic

  • Only regular (unspecialized) internet channels

  • Resistant to faults of global providers


Fixed fee, unlimited use

Value for Money is sky-high

  • Only fixed fees and no hidden costs

  • Only unlimited tariffs:

    • Unlimited traffic

    • Unlimited rooms

    • Unlimited users and visitors

  • Charged on per-server (node) basis

Room-House.com SkyPirl Pirl Rumhaus

Room-House.com SkyPirl Pirl Rumhaus